The confluence
(coming together) of the two forks of Burke's Spring Branch occurs
on the common land of the Brooks Square community. This stormwater
easement is partly wooded and partly grassy, with a berm at the
downstream end, pierced by two pipes that control the rate of flow
from the easement during times of heavy rain. Like other stormwater
ponds, the grassy area is designed to allow retained water to infiltrate
into the soil over a period of, at most, a few days. However, it,
and the wooded area behind it, now receive much more water than
they were designed to handle, resulting in several problems. The
first problem is evident in the permanent mudhole, and a number
of smaller persistent puddles, visible in the grassy area in the
picture below. The wetness in this area makes it hard to maintain
the area as intended, by mowing, and, in summer, creates a possible
breeding ground for mosquitoes.

The wooded portion of the easement
also receives a great deal of water, almost certainly more than
it was designed to handle. The braiding of water as it spreads over
the flat area, traced in the pine needles on the forest floor in
the picture below, is a natural phenomenon, and probably indicates
that the easement is functioning as designed.

However, this area also has some persistent,
nonflowing, puddles, as seen below:

And, perhaps most troublesome to Brooks
Square residents, a path through the wooded section connecting their
common land to the park has become so muddy, even during dry periods,
as to be unusable. A fairweather crossing -- concrete pilons raised
above a concrete channel -- makes it possible to cross the stream
dry-shod at this point, but the adjoining area can't be navigated
without the help of boots, or the boards shown below:
