We monitor
using the Fairfax County stream monitoring protocol, which is based
on the Virginia Save Our Streams protocol. The basic idea is to
collect a representative sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates
(stream-bottom-dwelling bugs) from the stream, then identify and
count them. Since some species are more tolerant of pollution and
other stresses than others, their relative proportions in the sample
serve as a measure of the health of the stream.
We begin by collecting the sample. The first step
is to select a riffle (an area where water is moving quickly over
rocks, providing the oxygen that stream-dwellers need), and to position
a net across the stream, weighting down the bottom with rocks:

Once the net is in place, we disturb the bottom
with our feet for 90 seconds (a procedure known as "stream
dancing"), dislodging the macroinvertebrates from their homes
under and in between rocks, and sending them into the net:

After 90 seconds are up, we carefully
pick up the net, take it back on shore, and spread it out on a white
sheet on a table. We search the net itself and each piece of debris
for the bugs (which can be very tiny), pick them up with forceps
and paint brushes, and sort them into ice cube trays filled with
water from the stream. Illustrated sheets help us identify the sample,
in most cases to the Order level:

To see pictures of some of the creatures
we have found in Burke's Spring Branch, and to learn more about
our results, please see the next page