of Burke’s Spring Branch
Concerns About the Present and Future State of our Local Watershed
(Testimony before the Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory
Council, 12/2/2003)
Burke’s Spring Branch is a tributary of Pimmit Run located
in the area of Fairfax County between downtown McLean and the City
of Falls Church , primarily on the block containing Haycock and
Longfellow schools and the Haycock/Longfellow Neighborhood Park.
As the Branch’s name suggests, its historic origin is a spring
located just northeast of what is now the foot of Crutchfield St,
known as Cockerill’s Spring in the 18th century, and Burke’s
Spring since the early 19th century. Since sometime in the mid-20th
century, this western fork of the Branch has also been fed by a
series of concreted and piped stormwater drainage channels handling
runoff from approximately 30 upstream acres. A second, eastern,
fork, historically originating in springs on what is now the Temple
Rodef Shalom property, and now originating in a stormwater pond
on that property, flows through Haycock-Longfellow Park, and joins
the western fork on the common property of Brooks Square. From there,
the Branch flows under Kirby Rd., through Kirby Park and along the
border of the McLean Little League before joining Pimmit Run about
500 ft. upstream of Westmoreland St. (see attached maps).
The eastern fork of Burke’s Spring Branch and the portion
of the Branch below the confluence were recognized as perennial
during Fairfax County’s recent Stream Survey, and have received
RPA protection. This protection has already played a useful role
in assuring that both the stream and the park receive as much buffering
as possible from an affordable assisted living facility projected
for a 5-acre parcel on the eastern fork.
The upper reaches of the western fork, because they disappear during
times of low flow into a shale bed and hence, presumably, to an
underground stream, were missed by a stream survey team working
its way upstream from Pimmit Run. A resurvey, resulting in a borderline
score of 24, was performed too late for the reach to be included
in the stream survey maps approved by the Fairfax County Supervisors
in Nov. 2003. This reach is now the subject of a quality control
study, a study that will provide valuable insight into how the County’s
assessment protocols can best be applied to small headwaters streams.
Reconsideration of the perenniality of the western fork of the stream
is especially important because Winchester Homes is proposing a
PDH-5 development for the 21 acres of now-wooded land surrounding
the upper reach of this fork. Because this reach currently lacks
an RPA, Winchester has been able to propose placing a road directly
over Burke’s Spring.
We hope that EQAC will help us protect our local watershed by joining
us in advocating the following:
1. Recognition that the western reaches of Burke’s Spring
Branch, and the spring itself, are perennial, and deserve corresponding
--The naming of the spring, the existence of the remains of a springhouse
at the spring site, the spring’s proximity to the c. 1807
Dye/Burke house, located east of the foot of Crutchfield St., and
the spring’s status as a valuable inheritance in the 19th
and early 20th centuries all suggest perenniality.
--Longtime residents of the neighborhood have no memory of the
spring, or the reach stemming from it, drying up, even in drought
--Volunteer monitoring of the benthic macroinvertebrate population
in the Branch in Nov. 2003 (see attached results) found a number
of species in the western reaches, including clams and Trichoptera
(caddisflies), which are mentioned in both Fairfax County’s
“Perennial Stream Field Identification Protocal” and
the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department’s “Guidance
on the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area and Management Regulations”
as potential indicators of perenniality. The overall population
numbers were also high relative to those in the recognized perennial
reaches – another likely indicator of perenniality. Professional
identification below the Order level used for biological monitoring
may be necessary to determine the significance of benthic macroinvertebrates
for determining perenniality; the samples have been saved in case
such identification would be helpful. Fish – another indicator
of perenniality, particularly given the barriers to their upstream
movement on the western reaches -- have also been sighted in these
2. Preservation of existing woodland in locations that will make
it most useful to wildlife, both terrestrial and aquatic, and most
effective in filtering stormwater.
--As the County Comprehensive Plan recognizes, stream valleys form
the core of an EQC system that provides filtering for stormwater,
and connected sections of habitat for wildlife.
--The existing layered woodland and the humus layer it has built
are far more effective in filtering stormwater than replacement
“green” or “open” space consisting of sod
or other vegetation planted on recently-graded soil would be. Therefore,
we believe that as much of the open space as possible on the Winchester
Homes development should consist of preserved existing woodland.
--The common land owned by other communities in the neighborhood,
including McLean Greens, McLean Province, and Brooks Square, is
located so as to buffer Burke’s Spring Branch and Haycock-Longfellow
Park, and to preserve contiguity with habitat provided by protected
land in Kirby Park and along Pimmit Run. Such arrangement of open
space also helps preserve a critical mass of habitat for species
with relatively large ranges, such as Pileated Woodpeckers and Box
Turtles (both frequently sighted in the area), and makes it possible
to preserve some dead and dying trees as nesting and feeding sites
without endangering people or houses. We believe that open space
on the Winchester Homes development would be most valuable ecologically
if it followed this model. A development plan that respected RPA
and EQC, either at the behest of the County or voluntarily, would
be a step in this direction.
--As a headwaters stream, Burke’s Spring Branch also plays
a vital role in the aquatic food chain by supporting organisms that
break down vegetative matter and make its energy available for use
by larger organisms. Since much of this vegetative matter consists
of fallen leaves and twigs, preservation of tree cover is vital
to preserving the stream’s role in the the aquatic food chain.
3. Encouraging developers in this watershed to employ Low-Impact
Development (LID) practices where possible, both to mitigate the
effects of their own projects, and, where appropriate, to lessen
damage done by earlier construction.
--Monitoring of both Burke’s Spring Branch and a site on
Pimmit Run immediately downstream of Burke’s Spring Branch
have shown significant impairment, with habitat scores ranging from
the low to the high end of “unacceptable” on the Virginia
Save Our Streams multimetric index. The difficulty in finding a
full, 200-organism sample in the recognized perennial reaches is
another indicator of low habitat quality. In order to preserve the
health of the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed, and to meet the requirements
of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance, we need to preserve
and, if possible, improve the health of tributary streams.
--Severe erosion in the area of stormwater outfalls below Crutchfield
St and Kirby Ct., and the persistent presence of standing water
in what are designed to be infiltration areas on Brooks Square’s
common land, suggest that inadequately mitigated runoff is one of
the major stressors affecting the health of the stream.
--Both Winchester Homes and the committee proposing the Chesterbrook
Affordable Assisted Living Facility have expressed tentative interest
in using LID practices such as raingardens and pervious pavement
on their sites. They have also each proposed some potential mitigation
of existing problems: 10% overrention in the case of the Chesterbrook
committee, and reworking of the concrete stormwater channel at the
base of Crutchfield St. in the case of Winchester Homes. We hope
EQAC and county staff will join us in urging them to pursue these
possibilities vigorously, and to think in terms of taking measure
to improve the health of the stream rather than merely maintaining
its present impaired status.
4. Encouraging Winchester Homes to preserve Burke’s Spring
as a reminder of local history and of human beings’ continuing
need for clean water.
--Burke’s Spring has played a role in shaping humans’
use of land in its watershed at least since colonial days. The presence
of the springhouse and the location of the Dye/Burke house are reminders
of that fact. We understand that Winchester Homes’ archeological
consultants also found some evidence of Native American activity
along the stream, and we suspect that Civil War soldiers, who moved
repeatedly through the area, would have camped near it as well.
--Because of this history, Burke’s Spring is an important
reminder that clean water is vital to sustaining human life. This
fact is easily forgotten thanks to modern day water purification
and distribution systems, but it is a fact nevertheless, and our
tributary streams continue to play a role in supplying our drinking
--Burke’s Spring’s history, and its role as a reminder
of the role of water in human history and modern-day life, deserve
to be recognized through thoughtful incorporation of the spring
and the remaining foundation of the spring house into the common
land of the Winchester Homes development. Additional reminders of
the spring’s importance, such as an interpretive plaque or
the naming of a nearby street for the spring, may be appropriate.
(We would, however, adamantly oppose naming any road that runs over
the spring, or that violates RPA, for the spring, or for any other
natural feature.)
Submitted for FOBSB by Cathy Saunders

Written testimony also included the chart
giving results from our first round of monitoring.