there have been changes to the CRI site plan (requested by the County
site reviewers in order to achieve what is called adequate outfall)
that will affect not only the stream but also adjacent trees, including
some on parkland. A copy of the current plan for the stream is available
here ; we will update this page
as soon as we learn more.
Note: When this project was first proposed,
it was called Chesterbrook Affordable Assisted Living Facility (CAALF).
You'll see references to that name below and elsewhere on this site;
the project is the same.
The Chesterbrook Affordable Assisted Living Facility
(CAALF) is a 109-bed residence that a coalition of local congregations
proposes to build on a currently-wooded 5-acre parcel behind Chesterbrook
Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (2030 Westmoreland St.) and immediately
adjacent to Burke's Spring Branch, which runs for some distance
along the boundary between Haycock/Longfellow Park and the western
boundary of the CAALF site. The site also adjoins the rear yards
of homes on Kirby Ct. to the south, and Longfellow School to the
In its current natural state, this parcel helps
to protect the stream by slowing and filtering runoff, and by providing
for transpiration and gradual infiltration of rainwater. Any transformation
of woodland to impervious surface in the watershed, and especially
on parcels which, like this one, immediately adjoin Burke's Spring
Branch, will further stress the already-impaired stream. Unfortunately,
this parcel is unlikely to remain in its current state; if the proposed
assisted living facility is not built, a by-right development of
10 homes is the most likely alternative. The assisted living facility
has some ecological advantages over such a development: it will
create less impervious surface than 10 homes and the associated
roads and driveways would, and, because there must be a 100-foot
buffer between a medical facility and its neighbors, more of the
existing woodland will be preserved. The committee proposing the
facility has also promised to build a stormwater pond 10% larger
than required, and has expressed a willingness to consider measures
for preserving and enhancing habitat on the property.
Nevertheless, major concerns with this development
remain, including its visibility from the park (which will be screened
primarily by the 100-foot RPA along the stream) and adjoining neighborhoods,
the adequacy of stormwater control measures (which, despite county-approved
planning, have not proven adequate on other recent projects in the
watershed, including the Temple Rodef Shalom addition, upstream
on the same channel), and its potential impacts on traffic, pedestrian
safety, and the residential character of the neighborhood. Neighbors
have expressed their concerns (and some qualified support) for this
development in letters and testimony,
which you can read on this website. You'll also find additional
information about CAALF on the official website put up by the the
committee planning the facility,
The picture below shows the Chesterbrook site as
seen from the path in Haycock/Longfellow Park. Longfellow School
is just visible through the trees at the far left in the picture.
A red arrow points to a red mylar balloon which I believe marks
the proposed location and height of northwest corner of the facility.
Current plans call for clearing another 100 feet beyond this point
(to allow room for the stormwater pond and sewer access) with some
replanted landscaping close to the building, and 75-100 feet of
preserved woodland on the southern boundary along Kirby Ct. (to
the right and partly out of sight in this picture). The location
of the stream (the channel of which is quite deeply incised by erosion,
and somewhat hidden by shrubs in this picture) is indicated by blue
arrows; the easiest place to spot its exact location is in the center
of the picture, where you can see the exposed roots of a tree that
was growing along the streambank, but, thanks to erosion, has recently
fallen over. At this point, the stream runs near the property boundary
between the park and the CAALF site; to get a better sense of the
relative locations of the park, stream, CAALF site, and proposed
building, please consult the watershed
