The Dye/Burke House, just visible
through the woods at the foot of Crutchfield St. in the picture
above, was most likely located to take advantage of the nearby
spring, which served as a source
of water and refrigeration for residents of the house. While we
have yet to find any document pinning down the exact date of the
house's construction, we know from Fairfax County deed book records
that in 1808 Reuben Dye bought 209 acres of land from Philip Darrell,
and believe that he moved with his family to the land soon after.
He was certainly living there, with his wife, two children, and
five slaves, by the time of the 1810 census. When he died in Nov.
1815, the Alexandria Gazette noted that "his friends
and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral
from his late dwelling at the Falls Church"; this may well
be the first recorded reference to the house. Oral tradition offers
additional support for the idea that the house dates at least
to the early 19th century. As Melvin Steadman records in his 1964
Falls Church by Fence and Fireside, the house was for
many years known as "Royal Lodge" because "a story
told by old residents" identified it as "a hunting lodge
of a Royal Governor of Virginia" (281). While it is unlikely
that this story is true -- according to research done by Kathy
Frase, a member of the family that currently owns the house, "there
was no house on [the Darrell] tract" when Reuben Dye bought
it -- it does suggest that its mid-20th-century neighbors were
aware that the house was one of the oldest in the area, dating
to well before their own lifetimes.
After Reuben Dye's death, his widow
Elizabeth operated the farm for 17 years, then sold it to John
Burke, an Irish immigrant, in 1832. John Burke died in 1858, and
his widow, Mary Ann, and their children carried on the farm. During
the Burkes' occupancy, the farm supported a variety of livestock
(horses, milk cows, sheep, and hogs, acccording to the 1860 Fairfax
agricultural census) and produced butter and a variety of crops
including hay, oats, corn, and potatoes. By the time of the Civil
War, buildings on the property included a barn or "stable"
and springhouse (both mentioned
in Mary Burke's postwar claim for damages to the Federal Government)
as well as the house, which served as a headquarters for the officers
of the reserve pickets during the winter of 1861-62. Maps
from this era show the house in its present location, as well
as the barn, stream, cleared fields, an orchard, and a driveway
connecting to what is now Great Falls St. During this period,
according to James Kirby's testimony before the Southern Claims
Commission, Union soldiers "established the picket-line along
the road in front of Mrs. Burke's farm including Mrs. Burke's
farm within the Union lines." This road was heavily used
by both Union and Confederate troops (including Mosby's raiders)
travelling between Falls Church and Lewinsville throughout the
war. During 1861 and 1862, there was also considerable movement
between the Burke farm and Minor's Hill, where a number of Union
regiments were encamped. As Mary Ann Burke's southern claim records,
soldiers from Minor's Hill subsisted in part on potatoes stolen
from her fields, with chestnut fence rails from the Burke farm
serving as fuel.
The Burke farm remained intact until
1902, when Mary Ann Burke died and the land was divided among
her children (see survey). John
B. Burke, who inherited the house, barn, spring house and 20 surrounding
acres, died in 1904. His son, Francis X. Burke, inherited the
house, outbuildings, and 4 acres. In 1907, Francis Burke's widow
sold the property to the first of a succession of owners who held
the property briefly during the first quarter of the 20th century.
In 1925, John and Ida Stoddard bought the property and embarked
on an extensive renovation, removing a wooden kitchen that had
been added to one end of the house, building their own substantial
addition onto the back, and replacing the beams below the first
floor with ones from the barn (which was torn down for this purpose).
In addition, they raised the original roof line, combined several
dormers into a single one, added a porch and some windows, enlarged
other windows, and cemented over the original brick exterior.
In 1941, Robert
W. and Eleanor Stockwell Frase bought the house, and, over
a period of time, 18 surrounding acres. They raised three children
in the house, and lived there until December 2002.
The Dye/Burke house and over 20
surrounding acres (once farmland, returned over the course of
the 20th century to their original wooded state) are now under
contract to Winchester Homes, which is planning a 102-unit development
(to be named Stockwell Manor in honor of Eleanor Stockwell Frase).
Unfortunately, Winchester's current plans call for the demolition
of the Dye/Burke house, now approaching 200 years old. While the
exterior of the house has been substantially altered, it still
has much to teach about the early history of our area. Its location
near the spring is a reminder of the importance of such resources,
both for water and for refrigeration, to 19th-century farmers.
Its original size, clearly visible from the front, indicates the
relatively modest scale on which early-19th-century Fairfax County
farmers, even those wealthy enough to own 200 acres and several
slaves, lived. The footprint of the now-removed kitchen addition
can also be identified, and the Stoddard's 20th-century addition
and alterations are still present, making it possible to trace
two centuries of changes to the house. The house can also be compared
to the McConvey house, now at 2119 Great Falls St. (and also scheduled
to be demolished by Winchester Homes) built by Burke descendants
in the early 20th century. A thorough archeological investigation
of the property would undoubtedly reveal additional information:
the materials from which the house is made (a combination of local
and European brick, according to Kathy Frase); the uses of the
spring by residents of the Dye/Burke house and possibly, at an
earlier time, by Native Americans (who may also have been attracted
to the vein of quartz that runs through the property); and the
locations of the barn, orchard, and a family graveyard (emptied
of Burke remains in the 20th century, but possibly still holding
the remains of slaves).
In order to fulfill county requirements
for the documentation of "heritage resources," Winchester
Homes needs to complete such an investigation before they begin
the process of demolition, clearing, and grading. Ideally, we'd
like to see them incorporate the Dye/Burke house -- which, though
in need of renovation (as it was in the early 20th century) is
apparently sound and habitable -- into the development, so that
this piece of local history can be preserved.
Note: for more information about
Mary Burke's southern claim, Kathy Frase's article, and other
sources mentioned on this page, please see the links
& sources page.