Spring, the historic headwaters of Burke's Spring Branch, is located
about 200 feet northeast of the foot of Crutchfield St. It has served
as a source of water for humans and animals since at least the 18th
century, when it was known as Scutt's and then Cockerill's Spring,
in reference to the then-current landholders. It appears on many
old maps. We know that a springhouse
had been built on top of the spring by the time of the Civil War
because Mary Ann Burke, owner of the nearby Dye/Burke/Frase
house, testified before the postwar Southern Claims Commission
that Union soldiers had stolen potatoes from her fields and "washe[d]
the potatoes down at the springhouse." Before the advent of
refrigeration, the steady flow of cool water through springhouses
helped to keep perishables fresh, even in the warmest months; this
function must have been especially important to the Burkes, whose
farm, according to the Fairfax County agricultural census of 1860,
supported 6 milk cows and produced 200 lbs. of butter a year. These
activities explain the need for a good-sized springhouse, the remains
of which are still visible today. In the picture below, you can
see the place where the spring emerges from under the springhouse
ruins and sections of the rock-lined channel that directed the flow.

Recent efforts by neighbors and other
concerned with environmental and historic preservation in Fairfax
County have saved Burke's Spring from planned burial under a road
in Camberley Homes' Stockwell Manor development (see plan
and petition, which refer to
the developer as Winchester Homes; Camberley Homes is a division
of Winchester Homes). Construction of Stockwell Manor is under way,
but exactly how the site will be incorporated into the common space
of the development remains to be seen. We hope the final plan will
preserve the spring and its setting in a way that makes this site,
which is currently inaccessible to the public, both inviting and
accessible as an educational resource for those interested in learning
more about our neighborhood history and ecology. (To see how a similar
site has been handled in Fairfax County's Ellanor C. Lawrence Park,
go to http://fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/index.htm
and click on the "visitor center" link at the top left;
the rebuilding of the rockwork around "Indian
Spring" in Potomac Overlook Park offers another possible model).
To learn more about the spring and springhouse, go
to page 2.
For more information about Mary Ann
Burke's southern claim and other sources for the information on
this page, please see links & sources